Friday, May 31, 2013

Medical Update - (Techno-Babble Alert)

I learned more about my ileostomy yesterday when the surgeon explained that temporary ones like mine are several inches from the end of the small intestine to make reconnection easier. Those few inches mean I have less intestine and, therefore, time to get the nutrients from my food. Basically, I have to work harder than someone with a permanent one to keep on weight. All I can do is keep working at it, eating as much and as often as I can.
Today I got the skinny on the issue I have with my right lung. After numerous tests doctors tell me it’s “most likely” a fungal infection. The good news is that they have ruled out aspergillosis, which is very serious and common among people undergoing chemo. 

There is still a possibility it could be lymphoma, but, since the chemo has been so effective against my tumors, they don’t see how a new growth could appear.

To deal with the (hopefully) fungal infection, I’m starting a new med called voriconazole. If it works, then they’ll know they were right. The drug costs a fortune in co-pay, and warns of the possibility of hallucinations. That, actually, could be cool depending on what they are. I remember really enjoying the side effects of an anti-malaria medicine we took in the 1990s for a trip to India. 

The lung issue has put off my next chemo treatment until Wednesday, if the fungal theory is correct. I’m sort of bummed about it, though I am feeling a bit better as the days without chemo go by. Obviously, though, It puts off the completion date.

Things are continuing in our new routine. Neighbors and friends bring by some very good food, and our “staff” of volunteers continue to put in hours. I’m doing a lot of music listening with some guitar playing, blog writing, t.v. watching and reading thrown in. 

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