Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Where I Hang Out

We’re lucky enough to have a large house, so I’m not getting too bored being in one place as I spend day after day here. However, I still have some favorite places to hang out. One is the bedroom, which you can see in the May 1 “Marking Time” blog entry. Also upstairs is our very cool Home Theatre Room. It features a nice comfy couch and 40 inch widescreen LCD t.v. with a surround sound system. In the small room the t.v. looks quite large. 

Plugged into it are our DISH Network receiver, a Roku player, DVD player, Laser Disc Player, and a classic VCR. I’m snug as a bug in a rug there, chilling out to sports or movies (e.g. my friend Don came over yesterday and we watched “Duck Soup” streaming from Netflix on the Roku - “How about 12 years a Levenworth or 11 years at Twelveworth” - “I'll take 5 and 10 at Woolworth’s”)
Home Theater Room, Psychiatrist Couch with Redwood Tree
Psychiatrist Couch (other view), My Office

Much of my downstairs chilling occurs on the psychiatrist couch in the living room. It’s nicely placed with a view of our redwood tree and proximity to the fireplace, which is helpful because of my weakened state. Also downstairs is the dining room, kitchen (see blog entry “Appetite”) and my office, which is where I am now. I’ll close with a poem by the great Jane Hirshfield about redwood trees next to houses.


It is foolish
to let a young redwood
grow next to a house.

Even in this
one lifetime,
you will have to choose.

That great calm being,
this clutter of soup pots and books --

Already the first branch-tips brush at the window.
Softly, calmly, immensity taps at your life.

1 comment:

  1. Now new place to hang out with the arrival of a lounger.
