Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Update and Fun with Puzzles

Chemo is done and I"m in the recovery phase, which is going slowly. I'm malnourished and in the hospital. Most frustrating is that I'm still having trouble with my appetite. It's not all gloom and doom, though. I'm rarely in pain and my mind seems okay.

I've been prescribed a new med to stimulate my appetite. A side effect is weird dreams, which have been fun.Weirdest was probably when I was interviewed about the dream while still in it. (interviewer=John Chancellor). In another dream I was dragged to safety during a category 10 quake by Terry and Koz-B. It doesn't take analysis to suss that one out, I'd say.

With so much time, I've begun doing puzzles. Here's one you might enjoy that I learned back in high school (I gave up on it then, but can do it now) - 

You have 12 almost identical billiard balls and a balance scale. One of the 12 is just slightly heavier or lighter than the other 11. You have to determine which ball is different and whether it is heavier or lighter using the scae only three times.