Thursday, July 25, 2013


You'd think I could come up with a nice adventure dream related to my reading "The Searchers" - a macho Texas Ranger chasing after captured settlers; a sympathetic former bilingual captive helping Cynthia Ann back to the Commancheria; even a member of Quanah's raiding party (but "I'll pass on the torturing part, guys.")

But,, no, I got stuck looking in vain for a bus to Montevideo in a huge parking lot, and having everyone more interested in my gringo accent than helping me out. "El gringito habla tan lindo el castellano."

From there I segued to an unknown family member's house where I kept breaking things and hiding them when the family checked in from time to time. Yuk!

It's day eight. My white counts are down and I'm running a slight temp. Nothing unexpected. Five  days or so before the usual upswing, One day at a time.


  1. In my less pleasant dreams I am often a college student who has skipped a few classes too many, and now I can't remember which building on the campus the next class is in so I wander from building to building. If I do enter a building it has great complexity in its layout and I get deeper and deeper into it without making any headway. Keep on keeping on, my friend.

  2. I've had those types as well. Not nice. Thanks for wishes. Keeping on as best I can.

  3. good to see you yesterday, dale. looking forward to your improvement, day by day, week by week--albeit in a "two steps forward, one step back" type format. love to you---ceiny
