Friday, July 5, 2013

Dreams, Videos, etc

It's a cliche, but there's a reason for that. What choice do you have but to take it one day at a time, which is what I'm doing.

I had a dream two nights ago where I had this robot to do a bunch of medical things for me, like giving me pills. What would be cool would be to have a Star Trek transporter to send the contents of my bladder into deep space, or just the toilet.

I'm also heavily into day dreaming - playing guitar again better than ever, tooling around in our new car, walking the dog etc.

Watched the movie "Fire with Fire". Not great but made watchable by a terrific performance by Vincent D'Onofrio as a psycho, racist bad guy. I also saw "42", which I liked quite a bit. Really good performances, especially Harrison Ford's as Branch Rickey. Chadwick Boseman, as Jackie, was appropriately athletic. I've really been into the series "Elementary" and am about to bring the first season on home. And, speaking of videos, my YouTube video of Dylan's Duquesne Whistle is closing in on 10K. Please check it out, spread the word, and take me over the top.

1 comment:

  1. I recommend the 5 or 6 hour BBC version of Pride and Prejudice (or the 2 hour Kiera Knightly version). I watched these during radiation recovery. BBC P&P was broadcast in 6 once-weekly shows and by the last one had a record audience. No explosions, however.

    I'm enjoying your posts.
