Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Last Cycle + Video Reviews

Subject to lab tests and exam, I'll be starting my sixth and last chemo cycle this week. I can't say I'm looking forward to it, but it can't end if it doesn't start. I've been reviewing what I can be thankful for to keep my thoughts positive. Number one positive is that I have no pain. Next, I'm able to concentrate and enjoy movies and reading. Finally, I'm really grateful for my support team - Terry, of course, and all the volunteer sitters / helpers / dog walkers. Dr. K has been great. He can be annoyingly detailed, but that's a good thing. He's already talking up my "recovery phase". I know he'll be with me.

Speaking of Dr. K, he told us his wife's grandmother was a WWII (aka Great Patriotic War) fighter pilot. I've read a book about these women. It's a fascinating story.

As for my recent movie / t.v. watching, I went back and streamed "Hopscotch" from Netflix. I've seen it a couple of times before, but it deserves a few watchings. It's a Walter Matthau / Glenda Jackson comedy action picture with two of my favorite character actors - Ned Beatty and Herbert Lom. Implausible, but a lot of fun.

I was lucky enough to tune in for Timmy's no-hitter.

Last night Terry and I watched the first episode of season three of "The Killing" (which we've been recording) and we are hooked. We loved the first two seasons. Luckily we watched them streaming well after they aired. I, for one, would have been really angry when season one didn't resolve if I hadn't had season two ready to go. The network has promised that this current season will resolve. BTW - no spoilers in comments, please.


  1. I've probably already recommended the Kiera Knightly Pride and Prejudice which is well done despite a bit of foolishness towards the end; and if you have time, and you probably will, the BBC 5 hour 40 minute Pride and Prejudice which they ran as a kind of soap opera in the late 20th century to great acclaim and a huge audience. I'm sure you've seen Oh Brother, Where Art Thou, if not a great treat awaits, if so, I recommend a repeat. Of course I'm fond of Mars Attack, too, so what do I know?

    1. There's also a Bollywood movie called "Bride and Prejudice" that's pretty good. It's close the original story.

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