Sunday, July 7, 2013

Back of the Closet Blast from the Past

Back in the "Hippie Days" I bought a cool looking deer skin shirt-jacket. I'm wearing it on the cover of my Kicking Mule Records LP "Fingers Don't Fail me Now".

Eventually it stopped fitting me and I retired it.

A couple of days ago I got to thinking about it and realized with my current weight it could fit. It does and is now part of my rotation of chemo wear (see 5/4/13 post).

This got me to thinking about everyday information we should be cataloging somewhere. As far as my weight, for example, until I started having annual check-ups at about age 40, I can't remember how much I weighed during any given year. This would be interesting to know. I remember topping out in 1984 at 174. As for bottoming out, that would be now. Otherwise, not a clue, though I'm sure I knew at the time.

I recently found some diaries I kept during the early '60s. I was wading through boring paragraphs about my latest romances when I found some interesting detail info, like I was paying $15 a week for an apartment on West 14th on the edge of Greenwich Village. Can that be right? Well, a professional shave and a haircut used to be 25 cents, no?

On the medical front, my latest CT scan shows my intestinal blockage has lessened and I'm back on solid-ish food.


  1. The coat looks good, and so does the album cover photo. In fact that's one of the best covers KM ever released. Glad to hear you are progressing. I topped at 176 about the time I took a mule trip to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. And again just before cancer treatment in 2011 at about the same figure. For a while after treatment, when I had the feeding tube pulled and was back on food, I had neither hunger nor appetite. I would say that neither fully returned, but I am starting to have trouble keeping the weight off, again. I was happily around 154 till the last cruise, now I'm around 160, 162 and wishing I could go back down. I'm surprised they don't use cancer treatment as a weight loss therapy for those people morbidly obsese. Well, not our problem I guess. Keep on keeping on.

    1. Don't know if you remember much about the logistics of that LP cover. It wasn't my bedroom. Barbara thought the apartment where we shot the photo had great afternoon light so we brought over some of my stuff and posed a photo. The cat was a stranger to both of us. It ended up sitting on my guitar case for 1/2 hour or more. Serendipity! I love that cover. KM was rolling pretty well by '77,so you might have never learned all this.

  2. The deerskin jacket looks awesome! Aren't you glad you kept it all this time? Good that you can eat some more solid food now. I suggest some Meyer lemon sorbet.

    1. Or new meyer lemon tree is looking good. Still a year away from significant production. Lots of neighbors with trees, thug, and our lime tree is putting out a lot.
